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The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue (Bilingual)

(Bilingual Chinese-English Edition)


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The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue - Bilingual

Bilingual Chinese-English Edition

The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue: The Brahmā's Net Bodhisattva Precepts & Nāgārjuna on the Perfection of Moral Virtue

"The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue" consists of Bhikshu Dharmamitra's annotated English translation from Sino-Buddhist Classical Chinese of "The Brahmā's Net Bodhisattva Precepts," "The Semi-monthly Bodhisattva Precepts Recitation Ceremony," and a selection from Ārya Nāgārjuna's "Exegesis on the Mahāprajñā-pāramitā Sutra" called "The Perfection of Moral Virtue." These translations are presented with facing-page Chinese text on the verso page. The two main works contained in this book were originally translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva between 402 and 406 ce.

This edition of the English translation includes: Lists of Abbreviations; Tables of Contents; Bibliographies; Glossary, Endnotes; and Variant Readings from Other Chinese Editions.

This Bilingual Chinese-English Edition" includes facing-page simplified (Qianlong Zang) and traditional (Taisho) Chinese scripts.

326 pages, paper, 6" x 9"

ISBN: 9781935413387


Preview the Book via PDF Excerpts:    Contents & Introduction / Part 1 TOC & Preface

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