Gems from the Kalavinka Dharma Treasury

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Book 1 - The Flower Adornment Sutra (The Avataṃsaka Sūtra)
Book 2 - Nāgārjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds (The Daśabhūmika Vibhāṣā)
Book 3 - The Ten Grounds Sutra (The Daśabhūmika Sūtra)
Book 4 - The Ten Bodhisattva Grounds (The Avataṃsaka Sūtra, Ch. 26)
Book 5 - Nāgārjuna on Mindfulness of the Buddha
Book 6 - The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation (by Tiantai Master Zhiyi)
Book 7 - The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime (by Tiantai Master Zhiyi)
Book 8 - Nāgārjuna's Guide to the Bodhisattva Path (The Bodhisaṃbhāra Śāstra)
Book 9 - The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise Commentary (By Bhikshu Vaśitva, c. 400ce)
Book 10 - Nāgārjuna on the Six Perfections
Book 11 - A Strand of Dharma Jewels (Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī)
Book 12 - Letter from a Friend (Nāgārjuna's Suhṛllekha)
Book 13 - Marvelous Stories from the Perfection of Wisdom
Book 14 - On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha
Book 15 - Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Bodhisattva Vow
Book 16 - The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue (The Brahmā's Net Sutra Bodhisattva Precepts)

New ! (10/01/2022)

The Flower Adornment Sutra

An Annotated Translation of the Avataṃsaka Sutra

With a Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornment Sutra

The Flower Adornment Sutra is the first and so far only complete English translation of any edition of the Avatasaka Sutra, the very long collection of bodhisattva path teachings considered to be so complete that it was otherwise traditionally referred to as "the Bodhisattva Canon." These 39 chapters introduce an interpenetrating, infinitely expansive, and majestically grand multiverse of countless buddha worlds extending throughout all three periods of time and all dimensions of space, revealing as it does so a cosmos in which all phenomena are visible in any given phenomenon and any given phenomenon is visible in all phenomena.

Volume One

Volume One Front Matter
Translator’s Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Wondrous Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
Chapter 2 - The Manifest Appearances of the Tathāgata
Chapter 3 - The Samādhis of Samantabhadra
Chapter 4 - The Formation of the Worlds
Chapter 5 - The Flower Treasury Ocean of Worlds
Chapter 6 - Vairocana
Chapter 7 - The Names of the Tathāgata
Chapter 8 - The Four Truths of the Āryas
Chapter 9 - The Radiant Enlightenment
Chapter 10 - A Bodhisattva Asks for Clarification
Chapter 11 - Pure Conduct
Chapter 12 - Foremost Worthy
Chapter 13 - Ascent to the Summit of Mount Sumeru
Chapter 14 - The Praise Verses on the Summit of Mount Sumeru
Chapter 15 - The Ten Abodes
Chapter 16 - The Brahman Conduct
Chapter 17 - The Merit of the Initial Resolve
Chapter 18 - Clarifying the Dharma
Chapter 19 - Ascent to the Suyāma Heaven Palace
Chapter 20 - Praise Verses in the Suyāma Heaven Palace
Chapter 21 - The Ten Practices
Chapter 22 - The Ten Inexhaustible Treasuries
Chapter 23 - The Ascent to the Tuṣita Heaven Palace
Chapter 24 - The Tuṣita Heaven Palace Praise Verses
Chapter 25 - The Ten Dedications

Download the Free! "Flower Adornment Sutra, Vol. One" Ebook by clicking Here.

Volume Two

Volume Two Front Matter

Chapter 26 – The Ten Grounds
Chapter 27 – The Ten Samādhis
Chapter 28 – The Ten Superknowledges
Chapter 29 – The Ten Patiences
Chapter 30 – Asaṃkhyeyas
Chapter 31 – Life Spans
Chapter 32 – The Bodhisattva Abodes
Chapter 33 – The Inconceivable Dharmas of the Buddhas
Chapter 34 – The Ocean of Major Marks of the Tathāgata’s Ten Bodies
Chapter 35 – Qualities of the Light of the Tathāgata’s Secondary Signs
Chapter 36 – The Practices of Samantabhadra
Chapter 37 – The Manifestation of the Tathāgata
Chapter 38 – Transcending the World

Download the Free! "Flower Adornment Sutra, Vol. Two" Ebook by clicking Here.

Volume Three

Volume Three Front Matter

Chapter 39 – Entering the Dharma Realm (The Gaṇḍavyūha), Part One (1–20)
Chapter 39 – Entering the Dharma Realm (The Gaṇḍavyūha), Part Two (21-40)
Chapter 39 – Entering the Dharma Realm (The Gaṇḍavyūha), Part Three (41-53)
Chapter 39 Conclusion: The Conduct and Vows of Samantabhadra

A Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornment Sutra
Volume Three Back Matter (Bibliography, Glossary, About the Translator)

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Nāgārjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds

The Daśabhūmika Vibhāṣā

By Ārya Nāgārjuna (ca 2nd c.)

Nāgārjuna’s Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds is Bhikshu Dharmamitra’s extensively annotated original translation of Ārya Nāgārjuna’s "Daśabhūmika Vibhāṣā" rendered from Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva’s circa 410 ce Sanskrit-to-Chinese translation. It consists of 35 chapters that explain the cultivation of the ten highest levels of bodhisattva practice leading to buddhahood. It focuses almost exclusively on the first two bodhisattva grounds.

Chapter 1, The Introduction

Chapter 2, Entering the First Ground

Chapter 3, The Characteristics of the Ground

Chapter 4, Purification of the Ground

Chapter 5, The Explanation of the Vows

Chapter 6, On Producing the Bodhi Resolve

Chapter 7, On Training the Mind

Chapter 8, On the Avaivartika

Chapter 9, On the Easy Practice

Chapter 10, Getting Rid of Karma

Chapter 11, Distinctions with Regard to Merit

Chapter 12, Distinctions with Regard to Giving

Chapter 13, Distinctions with Regard to the Giving of Dharma

Chapter 14, The Characteristics of the Refuges

Chapter 15, The Five Moral Precepts

Chapter 16, On Realizing the Faults of the Householder’s Life

Chapter 17, On Entering the Temple

Chapter 18, The Jointly Shared Practices

Chapter 19, The Four-fold Dharmas

Chapter 20, Mindfulness of the Buddhas

Chapter 21, Forty Dharmas Exclusive to Buddhas (Part 1)

Chapter 22, Forty Dharmas Exclusive to Buddhas (Part 2)

Chapter 23, Forty Dharmas Exclusive to Buddhas (Part 3)

Chapter 24, Verses Offered in Praise

Chapter 25, Teachings to Aid Mindfulness-of-the-Buddha Samādhi

Chapter 26, The Analogy Chapter

Chapter 27, A Summarizing Discussion of the Bodhisattva Practices

Chapter 28, Distinctions in the 2nd Ground’s Courses of Karmic Action

Chapter 29, Distinctions Pertaining to Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas

Chapter 30, Distinctions Pertaining to the Great Vehicle

Chapter 31, Guarding the Moral Precepts

Chapter 32, An Explanation of the Dhūta Austerities

Chapter 33, Aids to Gaining the Fruits of Śīla

Chapter 34, In Praise of the Moral Precepts

Chapter 35, The Karmic Rewards of the Moral Precepts

Download the Free! "Treatise on the Ten Grounds" Ebook by clicking Here.

To download the Free! bilingual edition, Volume One, click Here.

To download the Free! bilingual edition, Volume Two, click Here.


The Ten Grounds Sutra

The Daśabhūmika Sūtra

"The Ten Grounds Sutra" (Trilingual) is an annotated English Translation by Bhikshu Dharmamitra of Tripitaka Master Kumārajīva’s circa 410 ce Sanskrit-to-Chinese translation of the Daśabhūmika Sūtra. This sutra describes in great detail the ten highest levels of bodhisattva practice on the path to buddhahood.

Chapter 1, The Joyfulness Ground

Chapter 2, The Stainlessness Ground

Chapter 3, The Shining Light Ground

Chapter 4, The Blazing Brilliance Ground

Chapter 5, The Difficult-to-Conquer Ground

Chapter 6, The Direct Presence Ground

Chapter 7, The Far-Reaching Ground

Chapter 8, The Immovability Ground

Chapter 9, The Sublime Goodness Ground

Chapter 10, The Dharma Cloud Ground

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To download the Free! trilingual edition, click Here.


The Ten Bodhisattva Grounds

The Avatamsaka Sūtra, Chapter 26

"The Ten Bodhisattva Grounds" is an annotated English Translation by Bhikshu Dharmamitra of Tripitaka Master Śikṣānanda’s circa 699 ce Sanskrit-to-Chinese translation of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra, Chapter 26. This text describes in great detail the ten highest levels of bodhisattva practice on the path to buddhahood as taught in that sutra.

Part 1, The Joyfulness Ground

Part 2, The Stainlessness Ground

Part 3, The Shining Light Ground

Part 4, The Blazing Brilliance Ground

Part 5, The Difficult-to-Conquer Ground

Part 6, The Direct Presence Ground

Part 7, The Far-Reaching Ground

Part 8, The Immovability Ground

Part 9, The Excellent Intelligence Ground

Part 10, The Dharma Cloud Ground

Download the Free! "Ten Bodhisattva Grounds" Ebook by clicking Here.

To download the Free! trilingual edition, click Here.


Nāgārjuna on Mindfulness of the Buddha

By Ārya Nāgārjuna (ca 2nd c.)

"Nāgārjuna on Mindfulness of the Buddha" consists of three extended passages from Bhikshu Dharmamitra’s original annotated translations from Sino-Buddhist Classical Chinese of works written by Ārya Nāgārjuna (circa 150 ce). All three of these passages have been selected from Tripitaka Master Kumārajīva’s early Fifth Century Sanskrit-to-Chinese translations of works by Nāgārjuna, as follows:

Part 1, “The Easy Practice”

(Nāgārjuna’s Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds, Chapter 9)

Part 2, “The Pratuyutpanna Samādhi”

   (Nāgārjuna’s Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds, Chapters 20-25)

Part 3, “On Recollection of the Buddha”

   (Nāgārjuna’s Exegesis on the Mahāprajnāpāramitā Sūtra, Chapter 1, Part 36-1)

Download the Free! "Nāgārjuna on Mindfulness of the Buddha" Ebook by clicking Here.

To download the Free! bilingual edition, click Here.

The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation

By the Tiantai Mountain Shramana Zhiyi (Chih-i) - (538-597 ce).

Essentials for Practicing Calming-and-Insight and Dhyana Meditation is a calming-and-insight (samatha-vipasyana) meditation manual deeply rooted in the early Indian Buddhist meditation tradition. It offers perhaps the most reliable, comprehensive, and practically useful Buddhist meditation instruction currently available in English.

Prefaces: a) Song Dynasty Yuanzhao Preface; b) Tiantai Zhiyi's Original Preface

Chapter 1, Fulfillment of the Five Prerequisites

Chapter 2, Renunciation of Desires as Preventing Success in Meditation

Chapter 3, Elimination of the Hindrances to Success in Meditation

Chapter 4, Making Adjustments

Chapter 5, Implementation of Skillful Means

Chapter 6, The Actual Cultivation

Chapter 7, Manifestation of Roots of Goodness

Chapter 8, Recognition of the Work of Demons

Chapter 9, Treatment of Disorders

Chapter 10, Realization of the Fruits

Download the Free! "Essentials of Buddhist Meditation" Ebook by clicking Here.

The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime

By the Tiantai Mountain Shramana Zhiyi (Chih-i) - (538-597 ce).

"The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime" is the ideal companion volume to The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation explains the six practices crucial to success in traditional Indian Buddhist breath (anapana) and calming-and-insight (samatha-vipasyana) meditation. Correctly implemented, these six "gates" lead the practitioner to realize the third of the four truths (cessation), of which the "sublimity" referenced in the title is one of the four canonically-described practice aspects.

Tiantai Zhiyi's Preface

Chapter 1, The Six Gates in Relation to the Dhyana Absorptions

Chapter 2, The Six Gates in Terms of Sequential Development

Chapter 3, The Six Gates in Accordance with Suitability

Chapter 4, The Six Gates as Means of Counteraction

Chapter 5, The Six Gates in Terms of Mutual Inclusion

Chapter 6, The Six Gates in Terms of Identities and Differences

Chapter 7, The Six Gates in Accordance with the Reversed Orientation

Chapter 8, The Six Gates According to Contemplation of Mind

Chapter 9, The Six Gates According to the Perfect Contemplation

Chapter 10, The Six Gates in Accordance with the Signs of Realization

Download the Free! "Six Dharma Gates" Ebook by clicking Here.

Nāgārjuna's Guide to the Bodhisattva Path

"The Bodhisaṃbhāra Śāstra" with Abridged Bhikshu Vaśitva Commentary.
Treatise by Ārya Nāgārjuna (ca 2nd c.); Commentary Abridgement by the Translator.
"The Bodhisaṃbhāra Śāstra" (lit. "Treatise on the Provisions for Enlightenment") describes the essential prerequisites for realizing the complete enlightenment of a buddha.

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 1

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 2

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 3

Part 2, The Abridged Commentary & Translator's Notes, Part 1

Part 2, The Abridged Commentary & Translator's Notes, Part 2

Part 2, The Abridged Commentary & Translator's Notes, Part 3

Download the Free! "Guide to the Bodhisattva Path" Ebook by clicking Here.

The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise Commentary

The Sole Extant Commentary on Nāgārjuna's Bodhisaṃbhāra Śāstra.

By the early Indian monk, Bhikshu Vaśitva (ca 300-500 ce). 

"The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise Commentary" is a very detailed commentary on the meaning of each stanza comprising Ārya Nāgārjuna's Treatise on the Provisions for Enlightenment. It is the only extant traditional commentary on this important work by Nāgārjuna.

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 1

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 2

Part 1, The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise, Part 3

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 1

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 2

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 3

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 4

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 5

Part 2, The Vasitva Commentary, Part 6

Download the Free! "Bodhisambhara Treatise Commentary" ebook by clicking Here.

Nāgārjuna on the Six Perfections

"Nāgārjuna on the Six Perfections" consist of Chapters 17-30 of Nāgārjuna's Exegesis on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.

By Ārya Nāgārjuna (ca 2nd c.).

In this long free-standing section of his Perfection of Wisdom Exegesis, Nāgārjuna sets forth numerous stories, analogies, and analyses as he explores the deepest meaning of giving, moral virtue, patience, vigor, meditative discipline, and transcendent wisdom, the six primary practices forming the core of the Bodhisattva Path.

The Perfection of Giving, Part 1

The Perfection of Giving, Part 2

The Perfection of Giving, Part 3

The Perfection of Giving, Part 4

The Perfection of Moral Virtue, Part 1

The Perfection of Moral Virtue, Part 2

The Perfection of Moral Virtue, Part 3

The Perfection of Patience, Part 1

The Perfection of Patience, Part 2

The Perfection of Vigor, Part 1

The Perfection of Vigor, Part 2

The Perfection of Dhyana Meditation, Part 1

The Perfection of Dhyana Meditation, Part 2

The Perfection of Wisdom, Part 1

The Perfection of Wisdom, Part 2

Download the Free! "Nāgārjuna on the Six Perfections" Ebook by clicking Here.

A Strand of Dharma Jewels

"A Strand of Dharma Jewels" is Bhikshu Dharmamitra's translation of the Earliest Edition of Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī.

By Ārya Nāgārjuna (ca 2nd c.).

This is Tripitaka Master Paramārtha's earliest (ca 550 ce) complete translation of Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī, a 500-stanza treatise on the Bodhisattva Path in the form of a spiritual advisor's letter to an Indian King. In it, Nāgārjuna presents both abstruse teachings and practical advice to lay and monastic practitioners.

Chapter 1, On Gaining Happiness and Liberation, Part 1

Chapter 1, On Gaining Happiness and Liberation, Part 2

Chapter 2, Advice on Various Topics, Part 1

Chapter 2, Advice on Various Topics, Part 2

Chapter 3, The Provisions for Gaining Enlightenment, Part 1

Chapter 3, The Provisions for Gaining Enlightenment, Part 2

Chapter 4, Guidance Especially for Rulers, Part 1

Chapter 4, Guidance Especially for Rulers, Part 2

Chapter 5, On Right Practice for Monastics, Part 1

Chapter 5, On Right Practice for Monastics, Part 2

Download the Free! "Strand of Dharma Jewels" Ebook by clicking Here.

Letter from a Friend

"Letter from a Friend" consists of the Three Earliest Editions of Nagarjuna's Suhllekha

as translated by Tripitaka Masters: Gunavarman, Sanghavarman, & Yijing.

This is a guide to right Buddhist practice presented in the form of a letter of spiritual counsel to an Indian King.

The Gunavarman Translation, Part 1

The Gunavarman Translation, Part 2

The Sanghavarman Translation, Part 1

The Sanghavarman Translation, Part 2

The Yijing Translation, Part 1

The Yijing Translation, Part 2

Download the Free! "Letter from a Friend" Ebook by clicking Here.

Marvelous Stories from the Perfection of Wisdom

As told by Ārya Nagarjuna in his Exegesis on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.

"Marvelous Stories from the Perfection of Wisdom" consists of 130 didactic stories and short Dharma anecdotes selected from Nagarjuna's immense commentary on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. Each story is "framed" by Dharmamitra's inclusion of Nagarjuna's introductory  and summarizing Dharma discussions.

Excerpt 1,   Stories on the Perfection of Giving

Excerpt 2,   Stories on the Perfection of Moral Virtue

Excerpt 3,   Stories on the Perfection of Patience

Excerpt 4,   Stories on the Perfection of Vigor

Excerpt 5,   Stories on the Perfection of Dhyana Meditation

Excerpt 6,   Stories on the Perfection of Wisdom

Excerpt 7,   Stories on Various Topics

Excerpt 8,   Stories on Various Topics

Excerpt 9,   Stories on Various Topics

Excerpt 10, Stories on Various Topics

Download the Free! "Marvelous Stories from Perfect Wisdom" Ebook by clicking Here.

On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha

"On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha" consists of three works on bodhicitta, the resolve to attain the highest enlightenment:

      On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha. By Ārya Nāgārjuna. (Chapter Six of his Ten Grounds Vibhāṣā)

       Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood. By dhyana master & pureland patriarch, Sheng'an Shixian. (1686-1734)

       Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood. By the Tang Dynasty literatus, dhyana practitioner, and prime minister, Peixiu.  (797-870)

Nagarjuna's On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha, Part 1

Nagarjuna's On Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha, Part 2

Shramana Sheng'an Shixian's Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood, Part 1

Shramana Sheng'an Shixian's Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood, Part 2

Peixiu's Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood, Part 1

Peixiu's Exhortation to Resolve on Buddhahood, Part 2

Download the Free! "Resolving to Become a Buddha" Ebook by clicking Here.

Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Bodhisattva Vow

By Vasubandhu Bodhisattva (ca 300 ce).

"Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Bodhisattva Vow" is Vasubandhu's treatise on the meaning of The Sutra on Generating the Resolve to Become a Buddha. In it, this famous and prolific treatise master presents an inspiring discussion of the essential nature and benefits of the bodhisattva vow along with a treatment of the six perfections through which bodhicitta is brought to fruition.

Excerpt 1:   Chapter 1,    Exhortation to Generate the Resolve

Excerpt 2:   Chapter 2,    Generating the Resolve

Excerpt 3:   Chapter 3,    The Establishment of Vows

Excerpt 4:   Chapter 4,    The Perfection of Giving

Excerpt 5:   Chapter 5,    The Perfection of Moral Virtue

Excerpt 6:   Chapter 6,    The Perfection of Patience

Excerpt 7:   Chapter 7,    The Perfection of Vigor

Excerpt 8:   Chapter 8,    The Perfection of Dhyana Meditation

Excerpt 9:   Chapter 9,    The Perfection of Wisdom

Excerpt 10: Chapter 10,  The Dharma Gateway of Accordance with Reality

Excerpt 11: Chapter 11,  Emptiness and Signlessness

Excerpt 12: Chapter 12,  On the Merit and Preservation of Dharma

Download the Free! "Vasubandhu's Treatise on Bodhicitta" Ebook by clicking Here.

The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue   New !!!   (07/01/2024)

"The Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue" consists of the Bodhisattva's Moral Code, It's Recitation Ceremony, and Nāgārjuna's Synopsis of the Nature and Practice of the Bodhisattva's Perfection of Moral Virtue.

--- Part One: The Brahmā's Net Sutra Bodhisattva Precepts

--- Part One Supplement: The Semimonthly Precepts Recitation Ceremony

--- Part Two: Nāgārjuna on the Perfection of Moral Virtue

Excerpt 1:   Part One: The Brahmā's Net Sutra Bodhisattva Precepts

Excerpt 2:   Part One Supplement: The Semimonthly Precepts Recitation Ceremony

Excerpt 3:   Part Two: Nāgārjuna on the Perfection of Moral Virtue

Download the Free! "Bodhisattva's Practice of Moral Virtue" Ebook by clicking Here.

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